
Arkkitehti – Finnish Architectural Review publishes topical and timely takes on architecture, urban design, planning and other related fields, with content ranging from essays to commentaries, project reviews and articles as well as book and exhibition reviews. The magazine also showcases novel and interesting architecture and design projects and research. Arkkitehti follows global discourse with focus on the Finnish context.

Article and project proposals can be submitted throughout the year to for consideration. When drafting the proposals, it is recommended to consider the announced, forthcoming themes (see below).

Upcoming theme issues and schedules:

2/2025 Housing Reform

The issue will be out 13 March.

3/2025 Suburbia

We are looking for texts discussing especially infill building, urban nature and participation.

• What does the future of suburban areas look like at the moment? What factors are guiding their development, and what are the biggest threats?

• What are the most interesting current suburban renewal projects in Finland and around the world?

• How should the increasingly diverse population be involved in the transformation processes of suburban areas?

• How can urban densification be reconciled with greenery and natural areas? How can the cultural-historical values of suburbs be reconciled with infill building?

Please send your article or project proposals by 3.3. to The texts will be completed by mid-April. The issue is out 23.5.

4/2025 Modern Heritage

Juha Leiviskä, building protection and conservation

Deadline for proposals 28.4. The issue is out 5.9.

5/2025 New Visions

new practices, changes in profession, trends and ideals

Deadline for proposals 11.8. The issue is out 14.11.



  • When pitching a text, you should explain the intended scope, main idea, and focal questions of the text shortly in the email. You don’t have to have a full-length draft ready.
    • Why is the topic interesting and relevant right now? Why the text is a good fit for the magazine?
    • What kind of source material, interviews, reporting or readings are you going to rely on?
    • How long a text do you have in mind? We are currently receiving a lot of proposals for long articles (+10 000 marks) that we can only fit one or two in one issue. If you want to enhance the changes of getting your idea through, offer to write, for example, an interview, a shorter text or commentary on a current topic.
  • We appreciate standard language and clear expression, contextualising the topics and critical thinking. We appreciate if you can combine abstract thinking and hands-on analysis of existing buildings or other architectural projects.
  • The editorial staff decides on the publication of proposed texts. All texts go through an editorial process.
  • Texts can be written in English or in Finnish. All material chosen for publication will be translated and edited for publishing in both languages.
  • The magazine pays fees for published articles.
  • We attempt to respond to all pitches, but sometimes we are in a hurry. If you haven’t received a reply to your email, please send a message again.


The magazine publishes both shorter and longer articles – with illustrations, if needed. Longer articles can be based on research, or take a form of an essay or a review article. The length should be approximately between 10,000 and 12,000 characters (incl. spaces). Shorter articles can be, for instance, reviews, viewpoints or commentaries to an interesting topic, or interviews. The length is usually between 4,000 and 8,000 characters (incl. spaces).

Project Review or Commentary

The magazine publishes commentaries and reviews on newly built and timely projects. The reviewed projects should be discussed in advance with the editorial staff. The proposed length is around 4,000 characters (incl. spaces).

Book or Exhibition Review

The reviewed books and exhibitions should be discussed in advance with the editorial staff. The proposed length is between 2,000 and 4,000 characters (incl. spaces).

Projects, Design Proposals

Submissions of buildings and other architecture or design projects proposed for publication should include general information of the project, such as the name, location and a necessary amount of screen quality photographs or other material needed for communicating the core idea of the project. We mainly publish architectural and design projects in Finland and by Finland-based or Finnish designers abroad. However, international projects related to topical themes in architectural discourse may also be showcased in the context of wider articles.


Arkkitehti – Finnish Architectural Review is not responsible for materials sent without request.