Feminism as an Instrument
In the 2010s feminism is not merely an issue of women's movement but rather seeks a broader understanding of identities. Instead of generalisation, the starting point for planning is the spectrum of real communities and individuals, Marja Rautaharju writes.
The Changing Careers of Women Architects
Women began to practice architecture in Finland in the early 20th century. Female architects founded their own association, Architecta, in the 1940s. Pirkko-Liisa Schulman traces the history of the association.
Architect, Entrepreneur, Woman
More than half of architectural students are women these days. Yet the number of private architectural offices run by women is surprisingly low. Four architects discuss their work and ideals.
A Cabin in the Archipelago
Jonas Malmberg interviewed Raili Pietilä in April 2005. The leisurely interview was carried out at her kitchen table at her home in central Helsinki.
Pietiläs’ Other Half
Aino Niskanen interviewed Raili Pietilä in autumn 2002. The interview began during a lecture trip to the United States and was brought to a conclusion at Raili Pietilä’s home in Helsinki.
Life in Badger Hill
In the 1980s Raili and Reima Pietilä found an old yard milieu where to spend their free time. The Pietiläs both designed their own saunas on the property.