
A Decade of No Colour

Colour is an inseparable characteristic of architecture that has its distinct, long and diverse traditions independent of the developments in fine arts.


The Architect’s Degree – in Black and White?

In the three schools of architecture in Finland, the curriculums have recently included only a few courses dealing with colour. “It is time to learn to think about the colour of our environment already at the sketching phase”, write three recently graduated architects.


Colour and Materials Designer Anni Rantasalo: What Is More Important Than Colour Is How the Paint Is Produced And What Ingredients It Contains

For colour and materials designer Anni Rantasalo, colour comes from materials. “Colours actually play a surprisingly small role in my day-to-day work”, master painter and colour and materials designer Anni Rantasalo says.


Short Syllabus in Colour Research

The research-based colour design is weakly known in Finland. Colour researcher Saara Pyykkö shares her insights on what an architect should know about colour.


Layers of Intention

Painted architecture evolves with changing ideals. How might we learn to read the sediments of history hidden in the layers of colour?


Something Old, New and Borrowed – But Do We Have Anything Blue?

The urban planners working on Tampere’s new colour plan would be wise to look to earlier examples for guidance.