Natura conclusa
What would cities look like if they were sometimes designed for species others than humans?
Art in the Forest – Two Artist-Architects in Conversation
What values and meanings does the contemporary public art in Finland convey?
The Metabolic City
A nature-inspired concept from the 1960s helps to outline flexibility on a city scale.
Sites of Resistance
The rise of protest, activism and alternative memorials challenge urban planners to adopt more flexible approaches to the urban landscape.
Cold and Warm
New premises have been built for a university of applied sciences adjacent to an events centre, in the Port of Kantasatama in Kotka.
Bridge of Changing Values
The bridge designed by landscape architecture office Maanlumo creates a new urban space through the synergy of change and preservation.
And Then There Was White
With the completion of the new office and hotel building, the dominance of red brick on the Katajanokka waterfront gives way to white.
12,000 Years of Building Finland
A new general overview of Finnish architectural history incorporates prehistoric structures, the built heritage of Sápmi Region, and environmental aspects into the familiar story.
Yet Another Monument?
The various development phases of the South Harbour in this millennium do not draw a very flattering picture of the ability of Helsinki’s urban planning machinery to solve such a tangle of problems, writes Kristo Vesikansa.