Visible Walls
In Jätkäsaari Elementary School and Daycare Centre, art is integrated into the brickwork of the facades.
Studio Visit: Trevor Harris and Hennu Kjisik – Standing Up for Ideals
For a good three decades now, Trevor Harris and Hennu Kjisik have been running an architecture firm named after themselves, yielding thoughts and ideas concerning urban planning and architecture that have had an impact on almost every major urban area in Finland.
Within the Limits
The design of a student housing block to be built on a cramped plot in the University of Helsinki’s Kumpula campus had to take into account, among other things, traffic noise, pollution, the scale of existing campus architecture and large differences in ground height.
Architect, Entrepreneur, Woman
More than half of architectural students are women these days. Yet the number of private architectural offices run by women is surprisingly low. Four architects discuss their work and ideals.
A Cabin in the Archipelago
Jonas Malmberg interviewed Raili Pietilä in April 2005. The leisurely interview was carried out at her kitchen table at her home in central Helsinki.
Pietiläs’ Other Half
Aino Niskanen interviewed Raili Pietilä in autumn 2002. The interview began during a lecture trip to the United States and was brought to a conclusion at Raili Pietilä’s home in Helsinki.