
Editorial 3/21: Eternal Values?

What will happen to the built heritage of Lutheran Church, and where will we experience sacredness in the future? Kristo Vesikansa outlines the theme of the Sacred Space theme issue.


Editorial 2/2021: Time and Matter

The drive for carbon-neutral construction has elevated materials to an increasingly central role in architecture, writes Editor-In-Chief Kristo Vesikansa.


Editorial 1/2021: Architecture at Year One

It will be years before the tangible impacts of the current epidemic will become visible to us.


Editorial 6/20: Back to the Future

The Covid-19 pandemic is has caused a great disruption in many fields of life – but also offers an opportunity for change.


Editorial 5/20: All That Is Solid Melts into Air?

Meanings that architecture conveys are not static but closely tied with the changes in society.


Editorial 4/20: People in their Houses

The word ‘empathy’ has a nice, kind ring to it: “someone has thought of me”. With the COVID-19 epidemic, however, the meaning of the word seems to have expanded and gained gravity.


Editorial 3/20: With Hands and Brains

Today, awash with material plenty, we have an ambivalent attitude towards handcrafted items.


Editorial 2/20: Fences and Thresholds

What purpose do rules and regulations serve in the field of architecture?


Editorial 1/20: On Common Land

What do togetherness, communities and participation mean for contemporary architectural practice? Do we need shared visions for the future?