The Neglected Facade
The importance of facades has been forgotten in modern architectural design, Randall Korman argues in The Architecture of the Facade.
On the Sources of Reima Pietilä’s Architecture
Writing played a central role in Pietilä’s design process.
A Look Behind the Curtain
Eero Saarinen’s second wife, Aline Louchheim Saarinen, had a significant impact on how Saarinen’s architecture has been interpreted and understood.
A Comprehensive History of Estonian Art
The book series edited and coordinated by the Estonian Academy of Arts brings together the development of Estonian arts from the Middle Ages to the present day.
The Doctor is in the House – Structural Advice for Renovators, Repairers and Builders
Panu Kaila’s latest book offers a critique on the technical solutions of modern construction.
Architecture Is Not Walls, It Is People
Ukrainian architect and historian Ievgeniia Gubkina wrote a book about the architecture of her homeland in the middle of the war.
At the Cutting Edge of Wood Architecture
The collection of essays on wood architecture is an ideal fit with our fast-paced world, serving up a series of short pieces.
Framing Demolition, Framing Discussion
There are multiple possible futures for the 1960s and 70s buildings.
Rethinking 1970s Architecture
Besides the grey concrete carbuncles at housing estates across the length and breadth of Finland, the 1970s are also responsible for producing some far-sighted innovations within the construction sector.