Against the Human Scale
The key challenges of urban planning extend beyond the human scale, argues Tommy Lindgren.
Revitalizing the City with Community Gardens
What could the Finnish urban planning and design practice learn from New York’s community gardens?
Helsinki is a Prisoner of its Geography and Government
The growth of the Helsinki region is a challenge for the development of Helsinki’s city centre. The urban development ideals that have taken over the planning in Helsinki over the last few decades have failed to recognize the nature of urbanization in the long term.
Urban Greenery as a Climate Action
To date, urban planning has failed to pay due consideration to urban carbon sinks and the numerous other benefits of urban green. Researchers in the Co-Carbon project compiled a set of tools for architects and landscape architects to foster carbon-smart solutions.
From Industrial Romanticism to Office Romanticism
Could emptying office buildings be saved by an upward trend similar to that which industrial buildings saw during the last century?
Revisit: Kuokkala Centre
The Kuokkala centre shows that urban planning, at its best, is an endurance discipline.
Threat to Protected Buildings
Protected buildings should always be renovated preserving their distinctive features. Nowadays, more and more often, the proposed solution is demolition to make way for larger and more efficient spaces.
Tuned to Destruction?
Everyday tuning can help maintain and improve buildings, but in the worst cases it can even lead to the building having to be torn down.
Six Lessons from Jyrkkälä
The Turku district of Jyrkkälä shows that a problem neighbourhood of the 1960s and 1970s can be renovated in a sustainable way rather than being demolished.