New Take on the Wooden Tradition
A wooden apartment building in Kuukkari, Pori, is designed for seniors by Architects Rudanko + Kankkunen.
Private Public Private
In mid-century USA, Victor Gruen developed the shopping mall, a typology that still raises questions on how contemporary cities should be designed. Antti Auvinen and Kristian Äijö explore the phenomenon.
Excursions Into Suburban Density
Density is a buzzword in current public discussions on urbanity, but what does the concept actually mean? ask professors of the USP Master's Programme.
Megaprojects — A Recipe for Mega Success?
If Finland’s second largest city region is serious about growing its economy, Tampere will need to balance its focus between the needs of the urban economy and the high-profile construction projects for which it has become known, Jenni Partanen suggests.
What’s happening to our cities?
Digital technology is transforming urban spaces and the way those spaces are used. Design management professionals would do well to engage with the changes taking place, Sari Viertiö says.
Ode to Everything
The decade-long engagement and consultation process that preceded the launch of Helsinki’s new central library Oodi meant that building came heavily laden with expectations.
Feminism as an Instrument
In the 2010s feminism is not merely an issue of women's movement but rather seeks a broader understanding of identities. Instead of generalisation, the starting point for planning is the spectrum of real communities and individuals, Marja Rautaharju writes.
The Changing Careers of Women Architects
Women began to practice architecture in Finland in the early 20th century. Female architects founded their own association, Architecta, in the 1940s. Pirkko-Liisa Schulman traces the history of the association.
Life in Badger Hill
In the 1980s Raili and Reima Pietilä found an old yard milieu where to spend their free time. The Pietiläs both designed their own saunas on the property.