Published in 2/2021 - Tradition and Renewal


Architecture from the Field Side

Iida Kalakoski

Barn-inspired projects: 1/ Ciasa Le Fiun House, Italy (Daniel Ellecosta, 2021) 2/ Climber's Refuge, Italy (LCA Architetti, 2021) 3/ Nyskogsvägens daghem, competition proposal, Vaasa (Kaivo-oja Architects, Hirvilammi Architects, 2019) 4/ House Mustakurki, Paimio, Finland (Heikki Muntola Architects, 2016) 5/ The Black Barn, Slovenia (Arhitektura d.o.o., 2014) 6/ The House of Wood, Straw and Cork, Italy (LCA Architetti, 2020) 7/ Lato 136 B prefab house (Kannustalo) 8/ Eriksberg Entrance Building, Sweden (Sandellsandberg, 2018). Collage by Stella Vahteristo.

Contemporary architects can be inspired by something as simple as a modest agricultural building. Barn architecture has become a global trend. 

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