5/2018 Exhibition

What’s up with architecture exhibitions and museums? Architecture and design have been involved in exhibition and museum activities for a long time, and designing exhibitions, conceptualising content and curating have also long been included in the job description of architects. Internationally, the discussion has evolved: where interesting and award-winning architecture used to be displayed by means of panels and scale models, currently architecture exhibitions are reviewed also in terms of presentation conventions, curating trends and other debates that that the institutions engage in. On the other hand, in Finland the field-specific discussion relating to architecture or design exhibitions, to the presentation of collections and to the treatment of history and current topics has dragged behind.

In Finland, discussion is currently ongoing regarding the combining and reformation of the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design Museum in Helsinki. Touching on the topic, the issue features ten museums and exhibition institutions working in the field of architecture and design worldwide. The interviews reflect the changes, topical themes and future prospects that are discernible specifically in the realm of architecture and design. In addition, the issue discusses different possibilities of architectural representation and visits timely exhibitions, museums and exhibition spaces, among these also the recently opened Amos Rex art museum in Helsinki.

UU AA, a project exploring the new form of our publication continues with extracts of exhibitions discussed in the magazine throughout the years. The project continues in all issues of the magazine throughout 2018.


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Pääkirjoitus | Näyttely – ja sen kuva
Mika Savela

Näyttelyjen tiloja

Instituutio × 10 – Rakenteiden rakentajat?
Mika Savela

Haastattelussa näyttelyorganisaatioita
CCA | Mirko Zardini
M+ | Shirley Surya
Haus der Arkitektur | Markus Bogensberger
MFA | Reetta Heiskanen
RIBA | Marie Bak Mortensen
Arhitektuurimuuseum | Triin Ojari
gta Exhibitions | Fredi Fischli & Niels Olsen
MAO | Matevž Čelik
MAAT | Pedro Gadanho
Het Nieuwe Instituut | Guus Beumer

Studiolla | Tuomas Siitonen & Johannes Nieminen – Erilaiset yhdessä
Mika Savela


→ Mind-Building
Archinfo Finland

Amos Rex



Taide kohtaa kyläelämän
Kaisa Broner-Bauer

Idean peilit
Tuuli Kanerva

Läpi kerrosten
Iris Andersson

Muutakin kuin rakennuksia
Markus Lähteenmäki

Vapaa sana | Kansalaisen ääni
Mimi Zeiger


Kirja | Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen: Exhibit A. Exhibitions that Transformed Architecture (Petteri Kummala)

Kirja | Mari Lending: Plaster Monuments. Architecture and the Power of Reproduction (Anni Vartola)

Näyttely | Our Urban Living Room. Näyttely- ja infotila Laituri, Helsingin kaupunki (Stella Vahteristo)

Kirja | Veronique Patteeuw, Bart Decroos, Marius Scwarz (toim.): OASE #100. Karel Martens and the Architecture of the Journal (C.M. Ellen)