What does it mean to be an architect today?
While the society and its discursive spaces are becoming fragmented, it is equally problematic to think of architecture as a unified culture. Different ways of practising architecture emerge, forming parallel architectures – even new praxis.
This issue takes a look at what architects on the fringes of architectural institutions and conventional ways of working are interested in today, in terms of design, research, critique, education and art. In a traditional society, the most established and the loudest occupy the media space. But does the stored and recorded architecture really represent everything that happens in the field.
UU AA, a project exploring the new form of our publication continues with explorations on visual identity of the magazine throughout the hundred years of its existence. We will report on the progress made in the project in all issues of the magazine throughout 2018.
Pääkirjoitus | Olla arkkitehti, tänään?
Mika Savela
Viesti akatemiasta
Tuomas Toivonen, Nene Tsuboi, Leonard Ma
Suunniteltu poikkeustila
Kaisa Karvinen, Tommi Vasko
Studiolla | OPUS – Uudet tyypit
Ella Müller
→ Aukio, Espoo
→ Talo MK5, Helsinki
Arvio | Missä lähiöt kohtasivat utopian
Philip Tidwell
→ Tiedekulma, Helsinki
Arvio | Arkkityyppi
Tommy Kaj Lindgren
→ Lorenzinpuisto, Helsinki
Playa Arkkitehdit
Arvio | Pienin elkein
Antti Auvinen
6 am landscapes
Pauliina Maus, Sanna Saastamoinen-Barrois, Karl Henrik Edlund, Helen Korpak, Osma Harvilahti, Chih-Han Hsu & Aamu Salo, Ensæmble, Johanna Laitanen
Vieraannutettuja kohteita
Giorgia Aquilar, Sofia Dona
Taide sosiaalisen väliintulon välineenä
Anna Jensen
Taneli Mansikkamäki
Vapaa sana | Uusi musta
Arja Karhumaa
Johan Örn: HI-gruppen och hantverkets återkomst. Svenska möbler och inredningar 1960–1966 (Susanna Aaltonen)
Terry Farrell, Adam Nathaniel Furman: Revisiting Postmodernism (Anni Vartola)
Giovanna Borasi (ed.): The Other Architect. Another Way of Building Architecture (Iris Andersson)