
Ode to a Work in Progress

Instead of clearly defined development projects, urban design should entail more continuous processes without predetermined end results. Ecosystem thinking offers guidelines for changing the focus.


Helsinki’s Sprawls and Burrs

The urban structure of Helsinki is fragmented by wrong planning ideals, says architect and professor Kai Wartiainen. 

Project Review

And Then There Was White

With the completion of the new office and hotel building, the dominance of red brick on the Katajanokka waterfront gives way to white.


A Child-Friendly City is Slower, More Permissive and Better for Everyone

In a child-friendly city, play spreads beyond parks, and car users have to be flexible, envision landscape architect Mari Ariluoma and researcher Veera Moll. Through discussion, they found eight principles for planning a child-friendly city.


Xamk, Kotka Campus

Architects NRT, AOR Architects


Where Did the Landscape Go?

Urban nature is more than healthy and hygienic green space steered by science and technology, argues landscape architect Meri Mannerla-Magnusson.


“Museum that is appropriate for the location” and a “plan full of risks” – Experts share their opinions on the shortlisted proposals for the new museum of architecture and design in Helsinki

The finalists in the international architecture competition for the new museum of architecture and design in Helsinki were published last December. The museum will be located in Makasiinranta, with its plans already developed into a draft local detailed plan based on the competition organised in 2022. We asked five architects for their opinion about the designs.



Steven Holl Architects, ARK-house Architects


Finnish (Post)modernism?

The prominent names in Finnish architecture of the 1980s, Simo and Käpy Paavilainen, Jyrki Tasa, and Reijo Jallinoja, talk about what postmodernism meant to them at the time, and what it means today.

Article Collection

Internationalising Finland – Four Viewpoints

Four architects who have made Finland their home discuss what day-to-day practice looks like here and the change that is needed to help the sector become more international in outlook.


Destination USA? – In Discussion with Ala Architects

Ala Architects has designed buildings throughout Europe, but so far none of their designs have made it to the United States. Why is that?


What Sets the Finnish Architecture Scene Apart from the United States? 

Henrik Ilvesmäki studied architecture at Harvard University for four years. He noticed a marked difference between the United States and his native Finland in the dynamics between architectural academia and practice. This difference has a potentially profound impact on the future of the field in the two countries.


12,000 Years of Building Finland

A new general overview of Finnish architectural history incorporates prehistoric structures, the built heritage of Sápmi Region, and environmental aspects into the familiar story.

Project Review

Spirit of the 1980s

The premises of the Supreme Administrative Court have been updated to meet current needs, but the 1980s atmosphere is also very much present.


The Architect’s Degree – in Black and White?

In the three schools of architecture in Finland, the curriculums have recently included only a few courses dealing with colour. “It is time to learn to think about the colour of our environment already at the sketching phase”, write three recently graduated architects.


Something Old, New and Borrowed – But Do We Have Anything Blue?

The urban planners working on Tampere’s new colour plan would be wise to look to earlier examples for guidance.


Short Syllabus in Colour Research

The research-based colour design is weakly known in Finland. Colour researcher Saara Pyykkö shares her insights on what an architect should know about colour.